Thursday, December 8, 2016

Fireside Chat

I think by far this was my favorite assignment we did this semester. Not only because of what I was able to create and express, but what my classmates shared about their beliefs and passions. While others were presenting, I thought to myself, "Man, I kind of wish we did something like this earlier in the semester so we could get to know each other on a more personal level." The vulnerability and willingness to open up that so many people presented was humbling to me and made my appreciate my classmates more. I appreciated that we could create a space where we felt comfortable to do so.

For my belief that I presented I knew instantly that I wanted to focus on my true passion and the reason I ventured into film in the first place: preserving and perpetuating cultures. Previously, I have been shy to voice this passion of mine because I haven't yet met anyone in the program who shared a similar interest. In fact, leading up to the presentation I was nervous to open up because I didn't know if anyone would understand or even care. I was completely wrong. Conversations I had with classmates after the fireside chat proved me wrong. I even met Rae's husband who had served in New Zealand and got so excited about what I was talking about. That was really cool, just to be able to communicate like that with someone I didn't know.

After the fireside chat I had an interesting conversation with my husband about my belief. When I told him I talked about preserving culture he instantly disagreed and said we need to focus on preserving the values that stem from cultural traditions. I was taken off guard and a little defensive, but as I thought about it I think he's right. Now my belief has evolved into preserving both cultural traditions and values, two inseparable parts of culture in my opinion.

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